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Antena 1

12:00 am 9:00 am


Current show

Antena 1

12:00 am 9:00 am




Uma artista de Toronto está na Ucrânia a pintar flores nos buracos de balas   A invasão russa da Ucrânia atraiu voluntários estrangeiros de todas as partes do mundo, incluindo muitos aqui em Toronto. E uma artista de Toronto encontrou uma forma de fazer a diferença na Ucrânia, transformando as cicatrizes de uma guerra brutal […]

  A pintura, em grande parte monocromática, mostra um rapaz a segurar na figura do momento: uma profissional de saúde. A obra mede um metro quadrado e foi pendurada, em colaboração com a administração do hospital, perto da unidade de emergência. Banksy inspirou-se nas figuras do Homem-Aranha e do Batman para destacar um novo herói […]

Claudia Tavares was in studio to talk about her new art exhibition ‘Dangerous Women’. You can see it starting today (December 6) at The Peach Gallery!

Maybe you don’t know who birdO is, but you’ve likely seen his work around the City. The eagle-masked Toronto street artist remains a mystery but his work is getting more recognition by the day. His large-scale, animal-infused murals are hard to miss and bring color to the City. View this post on Instagram Hey it’s […]

Happy Photography Day  These are some of the best Photography Galleries in Toronto   Stephen Bulger Gallery  1356 Dundas St W, Toronto Since 1995, the gallery has become synonymous with great photographs of all types, making it Canada’s destination for enjoying original photographs. They maintain an inventory of over 30,000 photographs comprised of historical Canadian […]

Creativity has no limits     An animated music video for Meg Myers’ cover of a Kate Bush song brings kid’s colouring books to life. Director Jo Roy first filmed Myers on a green screen, performing the crawling, climbing, and flying shown in the music video. Then, each of the 3,202 frames was printed off […]

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