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Antena 1

12:00 am 9:00 am


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Antena 1

12:00 am 9:00 am




CARIBANA GRAND PARADE Date: August 3 Exhibition Place & Lakeshore Boulevard The Toornto Caribbean Carnival is, today, renowned as the largest cultural celebration in all of North America. This colourful tradition is around half a century old.   VELD Date: August 3 & 4 Downsview Park Electronic and Hip Hop Music Festival   OVO FEST […]

Summer Favorites A movie under the stars The classic night feeling the cool summer breeze while enjoying a movie with your friends or family, and there’s plenty of opportunities to do that this summer as parks across the city play host to free or pay-what-you-can screenings for all ages. Eat and drink at a night market Summer […]

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