A famosa World Naked Bike Ride vai regressar à cidade de Toronto esta primavera. São bem-vindos todos os tipos de ciclistas, dos mis envergonhados aos mais corajosos. A regra de vestuário é o mínimo de roupa que tiverem coragem de usar. Esta iniciativa ocorre em várias cidades do mundo e pretende manifestar-se contra a […]
A magia de Natal mantém-se e vai chegar a Toronto um Festival de Luzes de Natal Drive-thru. Não te esqueças do espirito natalício, agarra no caro, leva a familia e animem a noite com o Festival de Natal drive-thru que será lançado em Markham no próximo mês. Journey into Enchantment, um evento marcado […]
Everyone’s favourite book sale is back. The annual Friends of Toronto Public Library Chapter’s Clearance Book Sale is taking place at the Toronto Reference Library this March 19 and it’s bound to be the best bang for your buck when it comes to books. Items for sale include over 15,000 CDs, books, and DVDs, and […]
The 2020 Toronto Light Festival kicks off on January 17 in the Distillery District, bringing with it all new interactive installations. Free to the public, the Light Fest will be running daily until March 1, and includes daytime as well as nighttime programming. The new interactive installations are designed to entertain and inspire, and […]
Se acha que em Portugal já temos demasiadas superstições de ano novo, espreite o que se passa no resto do mundo. Há quem mergulhe em lagos gelados ou quem passe o ano no cemitério. Subir a uma cadeira e saltar com o pé direito, comer doze passas, ter dinheiro na mão, partir loiça, brindar […]
Free Community Skate The historic Maple Leaf Gardens is opening to the public during this free skate day. Date: December 26 Location: Mattamy Athletic Centre Light Up The Dark The Aga Khan Museum is transforming into a piece of art as projections light up the building, accompanied by performances, hot drinks and treats. Date: December […]
It’s the most magical season of the year, and wherever you find yourself during the holiday season — you should be able to find a little piece of Christmas all across the country. From venues decorated with millions of lights, to the best markets to purchase holiday gifts for the ones you love, here are […]
If you’re looking for a unique way to welcome the holiday season this year, the annual Santa Speedo Run Toronto is making its way into the 6ix this weekend. If you don’t want to participate yourself, don’t be shocked when you see a bunch of people running through the streets in bright red speedos and bikinis. […]
The NoSleep Podcast The Great Hall (1087 Queen West), October 10, 8 pm. $21.50. 19+. The NoSleep podcast was born out of the subreddit of the same name, a forum where aspiring Stephen Kings and Chuck Palahniuks post original horror stories. Hosted and produced by Toronto’s David Cummings, the podcast is an anthology of the […]
We are all upset that summer ended but there is still a lot to do in the City. The events in Toronto for September 2019 have some newcomers that are cause for excitement, including star chef Matty Matheson’s big food and music festival and a new show from Cirque du Soleil. There’s plenty of concerts, food, free stuff and markets happening, too. Toronto […]