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A once in a lifetime experience to see the Northern Lights

Written by on December 30, 2019

The Northern Lights are somewhat synonymous with countries like Norway, Sweden, Greenland and Iceland — Northern Scandinavia in particular has long been thought of as one of the best locations to witness the natural phenomenon.

But really, the best and most underrated spot may just be within your own backyard.


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“To see auroras in a geomagnetic storm is like watching someone paint the night sky or watching the sound waves of a symphony. During the show, nothing else seems to matter, except the connection between you and Mother Nature.” The northern lights are visible up to 250 nights per year in Yellowknife. One of the best way to see them light up the night sky is a stay at Aurora Village (@auroravillageca), pictured here. #ExploreCanada 📷: @articadventures 📍: @spectacularNWT . « Contempler les aurores pendant un orage géomagnétique, c’est comme regarder quelqu’un peindre le ciel nocturne ou voir s’animer les ondes sonores d’une symphonie. Pendant le spectacle, rien d’autre n’a d’importance, sauf cette connexion entre vous et dame Nature. » Les aurores boréales sont visibles 250 nuits par an à Yellowknife. Pour être aux premières loges, le mieux est de prévoir un séjour au @auroravillageca (sur la photo). #ExploreCanada 📷 @articadventures 📍 @spectacularnwt . #SpectactularNWT #NorthernLights #Aurora #Yellowknife #AuroraVillage #AuroresBoreales

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Canada’s aptly-named Aurora Village is located off the Ingraham Trail near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and is perfectly situated within the lights’ prime zone, the Aurora Oval.

The further north one goes within the oval, the worse the view of the Aurora Borealis actually gets, as it appears in a ring formation around the Geomagnetic North Pole.


Because the lights are based around the Geomagnetic North Pole and not the geographic one, they also appear at a more southerly latitude in North America — as far down as  50°N — than on the other side of the globe.

So despite not being anywhere near the most northernmost point in Canada, Aurora Village gets an unreal view of the colourful natural lights show year-round, being basically directly beneath the lights’ natural ring and at the perfect latitude.

The area’s notoriously clear skies, flat land and crisp, dry climate free of clouds and other obstructions also make it the perfect locale. There is also very little light pollution in the remote region.

The resort at Aurora Village itself includes unforgettable accommodation in traditional teepees that dot the property. The hilltop viewpoints and guided tours help make the once-in-lifetime experience of seeing the Northern Lights even better.

The village is fully Indigenous owned and operated, and offers tours and other seasonal activities in six languages, making it the ultimate destination for wilderness tourists.

So if you’ve ever dreamed of seeing the night sky alit in bands of blue and green up-close and in-person, the trip to do so may be a lot shorter and easier than you’d previously thought.



Source: FreshDaily